Friday, December 17, 2010

Moar on the whole Muse thing...

still not doing good, but my plan of attack is somewhat successful.

i can still get some pieces out, they are just not alive.....

But it means i can still work on technical skills and try to make a muse to have for now....

idk. ima have to work out something.......

Friday, December 3, 2010


My muse is gone.

now quick note: a muse for me isnt always a person or even a particular or concrete thing. could be an idea or place.

 ive lost a muse in the past...usually not a big deal. this is because in the past i have had a new one instantly or before i lost it. to be honest i havent noticed a loss before because i wasnt using that muse at the time.

now i have none. i lost my big ones and i am not sure when.

i can still get some works out but they feel almost mechanical. there isnt life in them.

normally an idea i get is shot up with energy and spawns a whole network of other ideas in my head. now?


i have a plan of action to attack it deal with it for now.

but i have to get a new muse.

Texture Painting

so im doing a new painting....its gonna be a rehash of a work i did for a project. the idea was to make a work that was representative of texture, and i liked my painting even if it did not really represent the theme as well as it could have.

This is the origonal

and this is some of the new one so far

will be uploading more as it comes...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So about that...

so far im doing better on this site...

im gonna try to keep it updated better than i have in the past with shit im in progress of.

well see how it goes

Friday, November 19, 2010

Monster Spray Can

This Work is a sculpture meant to hold a spray can inside of it. It was for a 3d concepts class.
The original work went through many design changes before it even had the most rudimentary wire shapes. I'm farther along than these pics but haven't been able to touch up those pics yet, so more to come.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Works

The RGB work is older, but i wanted to upload it with the CMYK update. finally got internet for the moment so im uploading these three. Mountain Dew is owned by Pepsico please dont sue me...

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ok so i can't exactly upload here.. The internet in my dorm is miserable and loads a picture for about 30 minutes and crashes often.


but i will upload stuff soon

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quick Foto Upload

Some random pictures ive taken recently.


new blog, trying to keep this one up to date with things im working on an finished projects.

moved here from tumblr. i really didnt keep my last one up to well see how this one goes.